HORMONAL HEALTHComing off  birth control or support while on itOptimizing menstrual cycle, PMS reliefConditions: PCOS, endometriosis, fertility, thyroid dysfunction, adrenal fatigue, insulin resistance


This includes support around coming off of birth control, PMS, menstrual cramps, PCOS, endometriosis, thyroid dysfunction, HPA axis dysfunction, perimenopause and menopause, and insulin resistance.

With hormone concerns, I commonly recommend a combination of Dutch hormone test and comprehensive blood work for further investigation.

GUT HEALTHLeaky gutCandidaMicrobiome optimization Irregular bowel movements


This includes concerns of bloating, constipation, persistent stomach pain, acid reflux, bloating, leaky gut, candida, and an overall imbalanced gut.

With gut concerns, I most commonly recommend a GI Map stool test for further investigation.

STRESS RESILIENCYBuilding the foundations of health by working on healthy stress response through lifestyle practices & techniques, supplements, and herbs


Struggling with low or erratic energy levels throughout the day? Tired of that mid-afternoon slump followed by that second wind of energy at night that leaves you unable to get restful sleep at night? I can help you tackle HPA axis dysfunction, commonly known as adrenal fatigue.

With adrenal concerns, I most commonly recommend a combination of Dutch cortisol testing and micronutrient test for further investigation.

GENERAL WELLNESSOptimizing sleepNon-toxic living & environmental exposuresNutritional counseling


For individuals that want to build a strong foundation of health, do advanced functional medicine testing, or want to continue on their current trajectory with a naturopathic doctor on their side.

This includes optimizing nutrition to your individual needs, optimizing sleep, non-toxic living, building stress resiliency, and bio-hacking. Lab testing is run as necessary.

If you are seeking care for a condition not listed, you are welcome to request a discovery call. Dr. Paria can assess whether you will be a good match for her to work with and if not you will receive a referral to healthcare practitioner better suited for your needs.